Sunday, August 19, 2012

Are You Engaged

  • Be happy. Abe Lincoln once said "most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." So, just be happy.
  • Turn off the local news. What do you care about the latest fire, murder or robbery? You can't do anything about it, anyhow.
  • Steer clear of negative people. They only want to rain on your parade.
  • A very wise and successful friend of mine once told me you are who you hang out with - so hang out with positive people.
  • Get busy. Over-thinking usually leads to fear and procrastination. As the Nike people say, "Just Do It."
  • Read positive books and listen to positive CDs daily.

If you want to be successful, you will need to become part of the 24% who are "engaged." To do so, you will need to be motivated to achieve your goals. Unfortunately, no one else can motivate you; you must do it yourself.

My reaction was: how can this be? We all know sales is a challenging profession requiring a high degree of motivation-even passion-to be successful, yet more than 75% of all sales people don't have what it takes. My question to you is: Where do you fall in this continuum?

If you are in the top 24% who are "engaged," congratulations. You are probably already successful and enjoying a very rewarding career. If not, you soon will be. If you are part of the bottom 21% who are "actively disengaged," do the rest of us a favor and get out of sales. It's not for you and you are screwing it up for the rest of us. If you are among the 55% who are "not engaged," the following message is for you.

A recently released Gallup Consulting study titled "State of the American Workplace: 2008-2010" revealed some startling statistics regarding sales workers' engagement with their jobs. A survey of more than 9,000 full-or part-time workers was conducted by Gallup to determine worker engagement with their jobs. Among sales workers, the survey indicated that 24% of respondents were "engaged" with their jobs, meaning that they were emotionally attached to their workplaces and motivated to be productive. More than half (55%) were "not engaged"; they were emotionally detached and unlikely to be self-motivated. Additionally, 21% were "actively disengaged," indicating that they viewed their workplaces negatively and were liable to spread that negativity to others.

Unfortunately, our society makes it difficult to maintain a positive attitude. We are exposed to far more negative information on a daily basis than positive. If you don't believe me, just turn on your local news. So, what can you do to stay upbeat and positive? Volumes have been written on this subject, but here are a few simple things I have found to useful:

I'm no psychologist, but if you think I'm crazy or that this stuff is just hooey, seek out the most successful sales person you know and ask about it. I bet you'll be amazed.

Motivation comes from within, but it all starts with a positive attitude. Most sales experts agree that the number one predictor of success in sales is attitude. Positive outlook and positive expectation breed confidence, and confidence leads to motivation. Conversely, a negative outlook and negative expectations lead to lack of confidence and fear, which are de-motivating factors. So, if you want to become engaged and motivated, you must develop and maintain a positive attitude.

Are You Engaged

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